
Data Collaboration Platform Driving Efficiencies in Financial Markets

AccessFintech's Synergy platform improves settlement workflow through more real-time information from Agents & CSDs for pre-matching and settlements, accelerating data visibility on T0 with real-time local markets information.

The company's collaborative network enables systematic communication of real-time data statuses and requests to clients and counterparties, supporting existing settlement activities and providing tools for determining eligibility and risk projection for buy-ins and penalties to meet expected CSDR requirements.

By providing real-time insights and driving efficiencies through data collaboration, AccessFintech helps financial institutions optimize their operations, reduce risk, and enhance their client service capabilities, making it a valuable partner for broker-dealers and asset managers looking to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving market.

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Contacts (4/5)

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Gemma Crump


Director, Product Marketing

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Christopher Daur


Global Head of Buy-side

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Katie Gleeson


Client Engagement

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Lucrecia Boulton


Client Success Manager

Locations (2)

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7 Oppenheimer St., Rehovot, 76701, ISR

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Herzliya Pituach