Greggory Lewis

Director, Depositary, CSD & Issuer Services, GlobeTax

Greggory Lewis is the Director of Depositary, CSD, & Issuer Services at GlobeTax; he joined the company in 2002. GlobeTax provides a complete tax reclaim outsourcing solution to all four U.S. Depositaries issuing DRs (BNY Mellon, Citi, Deutsche Bank, and JPMorgan). Mr. Lewis manages a team of Tax Recovery Specialists who work with financial institutions to maximize the relief and reclaim of cross border withholding tax entitlements for their clients. He is a key member of the standards initiatives around withholding tax processing, which provide guidance to standards organizations like ISO, ISITC, XBRL, and others. Mr. Lewis received a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

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