Jonathan Traub

Managing Principal, Deloitte Tax LLP

Jonathan joined the Washington National Tax office in 2012 as managing principal of its Tax Policy group. With extensive experience in the legislative arena, especially in tax policy, Jon is able to provide clients with critical insights on developments in tax policy and politics, helping them plan for anticipated legislation and the potential impacts on their businesses. He leads a team that identifies, evaluates, and monitors legislative proposals, interprets the practical issues surrounding the application of tax proposals on behalf of Deloitte’s clients, and relays those insights through multiple channels, including Tax News and Views, a weekly Deloitte Tax newsletter, and deeper dive pieces on key developments.

Jonathan was previously the staff director for the Committee on Ways and Means of the US House of Representatives, his most recent senior staff position in the US House of Representatives. During his tenure as staff director for the Committee on Ways and Means, Jonathan was responsible for developing legislative policies and strategy on issues in the committee’s jurisdiction, including taxes, health care, and trade.

Jonathan is a frequent speaker at events sponsored by Deloitte, Tax Executives Institute, Tax Council Policy Institute, and other tax-focused organizations. He is a board member of The Tax Council. His insights on tax policy frequently appear in The Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, Politico, and Washington Post articles.

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