
Total Records: 2

Added Whitepaper -

250 days ago

Sanjay P. from Tata Consultancy Services

COVID-19 and LIBOR Transition: Taking a Market-led Approach

Tata Consultancy Services -

Tata Consultancy Services - The impact of COVID-19 on financial services has been considerable, affecting different lines of business and functions. Likewise, the impact of COVID-19 on LIBOR has been significant, resulting in a great deal of volatility in the LIBOR market. However, regulators have reiterated the unavailability of LIBOR as a benchmark rate post 2021. This means that even as banks scramble to prevent service disruption, their LIBOR transition plans will need to continue on track. To minimize the COVID-19 impact on LIBOR transition, banks must review a few aspects that are intrinsically linked. These include: Analyzing changes to current LIBOR exposures per asset class Reassessing product inventory to understand the impact of COVID-19 volatility on performance Defining a systematic transition plan Establishing a robust rates strategy The COVID-19 impact on LIBOR transition is largely stemming from market volatility and changes in the regulatory landscape. However, a systematic transition is key to financial stability and banks must take appropriate steps to ensure the same.

Authored by: Navin Rauniar Lead, LIBOR Transition, TCS Zeeshan (Zee) Rashid Global Head - Risk and Compliance Advisory and LIBOR Transition, TCS

Added Article -

250 days ago

Sanjay P. from Tata Consultancy Services

How generative AI will disrupt capital markets

Tata Consultancy Services -

TCS - Capital market firms operate in a complex and ever-changing technology landscape. At the same time, they must contend with increased regulatory scrutiny, competition from fintech players and the crypto industry, soaring operational and service costs, increased customer expectations, black swan events and so on. Firms need to constantly adapt to stay ahead of the curve, and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies such as generative AI (GenAI) have become a key enabler in this strategic play. In recent months, GenAI has garnered interest from various financial services firms after the launch of ChatGPT, which is powered by large language models (LLMs). GenAI can combine with AI and human intelligence to create content such as text and images and solve complex analytical problems.

Authored by: Anand Chidambaram