
Total Records: 2

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151 days ago

Laurie M. from FICO

Assessing the Risks: Different Credit Scoring Models and Impacts on the Mortgage Market


This independent research report shows why minimum scoring criteria adds reliability to a credit score and how removing it makes the credit score both less predictive and in the long run more costly for everyone. Kroll analyzed the credit failure rate over a two-year period across a data set of 40 million credit scores from individuals who had either a FICO Score or an alternative score in which FICO’s minimum scoring criteria are not used. 

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250 days ago

Michael S. from FICO

Measuring consumer resilience to economic stress using the FICO® Resilience Index


FICO - FICO Scores are designed to rank-order the expected future payment performance of consumers’ credit obligations based on their observable credit bureau attributes, irrespective of the economic environment. Lenders may calibrate FICO Scores based on their own loan portfolios’ recent performance to predict the odds of satisfactory payment performance. However, disruptions to the economic environment can change these repayment odds in a way that differs from a lender’s calibrated estimates, leading to discrepancies between predicted and actual future default odds, and therefore to sub-optimal decisions and analysis results. Such disruptions reveal “latent risks” across portfolios that only manifest themselves during periods of economic stress. Read the white paper to learn more.

Authored by: FICO